Friday, November 28, 2008

Top 10 Reasons to Start a Home Based Business

Even with the economy as it is or especially with the current economic situation; an online business allows you develop an income without the headaches and financial expenditure of an offline business. Yes, there are challenges but learning the basic principles on a small scale and building at your own pace will cement your position in the future as the economy recovers.

Here are the top ten reasons to start a home based business online.

1. Statistics say that work-at-home professionals earn more money and enjoy more free time than the general workforce.

2. You get to be your own boss. No one telling you what to do other than you.

3. More free time. Obviously you will spend a lot of time on your business, but it is you who determines your schedule.

4. More time with family. This reason should actually be number one.

5. Tax benefits. I'm not even an accountant, and I could write pages on the benefits extended to a small business. Don't go this alone, seek advice for available benefits.

6. Save money on work expenses usually taken for granted : gas, clothing, dinners, etc.

7. Hands down cheaper than a bricks and morter start-up. No office rent space, little if no inventory, insurance, employee payroles, legal fees, etc., etc., etc.

8. If you fail you can keep trying. Failure is not liable to bankrupt you and you can learn and make adjustments as you progress.

9. Possibility for extreme wealth. Fortunes are being made every day so why not you.

10. Sense of satisfaction and independence. No price can be put on this one.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The 12 Most Powerful Words in Ad Copy

As an online marketer and business practitioner in general I'm always working to develop ways to be a more effective marketer. Often I go back to my sales background to formulate strategy.

About ten or so years ago, I watched a segment on public television about advertising, marketing, and ad copy. I can't remember the name of it, but the production was very basic and rudimentary, but well done. They revealed the most powerful words in the English language regarding advertising and its effect on our psychology.

Recently I found an old legal pad that I actually jotted down some notes from this show. I still to this day keep a pad around for writing notes down and logging items of importance. Listed on this old pad were the most powerful words in ad copy.

This prompted me to do a search online to compare now with then and the results were actually the same. There were a few that weren't on the original list but the results were consistent.

As a buying public we have grown more sophisticated in recognizing when we're being sold and even wary of it, but nevertheless, we are consumers. We even know when our hot buttons are being pressed and many of the tactics used on us.

I'm not sure these words have the same impact they once did, but I thought I would post them anyway, as I feel it is good to know. I'm sure sprinkling a few of these words throughout your ad copy wouldn't hurt matters. We use many of them anyway probably just out of utility and habit.

Here are the 12 words:

1. You
2. Save
3. Money
4. Easy
5. Guarantee
6. Health
7. Proven
8. Safety
9. Discover(y)
10. New
11. Love
12. Results

To these 12 add one more - FREE

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Take a Step Toward Action

I was recently told this "blonde joke" and of all the ones I've heard, this one was different and actually has some meaning hidden beneath the humor. Now I know blonde jokes are all kind of passe' and only offer a mild chuckle at most, besides, most of the blondes I've met are pretty smart. For the sake of this story, we'll just call the main character, a "poor soul".

A poor soul was at the end of their rope and was losing all hope. This soul worked and worked and still could barely get by. They had a mortgage to pay, a car payment, a family to feed, shoes and warm clothes to buy for the kids, the light bill, gas to get to work, and a neverending list of expenses.

The poor soul saw no end to this frustration and saw no way out of this predicament. It had been a long time since he prayed, but he was so overwhelmed he fell to his knees and said, "Oh Lord, if you could let me win the lottery, all my problems will be solved, please just let me win the lottery so I have the money to pay my bills."

The poor soul began to feel hopeful, but as the week went on and pressure from the bill collectors mounted he got more and more nervous. Not to mention having to keep his family fed. A week went by and nothing had happened, no big money yet. So he got on his knees again, and this time prayed even harder and louder, "Oh Lord, if you could let me win the lottery, all my problems will be solved, please just let me win the lottery so I have the money to pay my bills."

Well, another week went by and trouble was really closing in. The house payment was overdue, the car was about to be repossessed, the cabinets were almost empty, and the kids needed new shoes and winter clothes. No money yet. So he prayed again, this time even harder than before.

Then another week went by and another, and each week the poor soul prayed harder and harder, there was still no money, and things were really getting desperate. He didn't know what to do or why his prayers had not been answered.

After a few weeks the poor soul worked himself into such a state of worry, fury and desperation he finally got so mad he looked up to the sky, shook his fist and screamed at the top of his lungs, "Lord why can't you let me win the lottery so I can have the money to pay my bills and feed my family, I've been praying with all my might for weeks and nothing, you know I need it, why can't you just let me win the lottery..."

All of the sudden, during all of this stomping, fist shaking, and shouting; the Almighty himself appeared before him. The poor soul froze, then stood there very humbled, quiet, and waiting; and then the Almighty spoke...

" Work with me man... Buy a lottery ticket ! "

Yeah, this was actually told to me as a blonde joke about a single mom with kids and was delivered a little "lighter" than it appears in print. It was funny when I first heard it, but then it kind of made me think, the reality of this is no laughing matter at all, but I do believe there is a subtle message, so I recrafted it into this little tale. Do you detect the hidden message?

This story says to me on some level that if we expect miracles and great things to come our way we at least have to take a step toward making it a reality. Sure the metaphor in this anecdote is a lottery ticket, but that ticket can represent just about anything, especially our goals and desires.

Be it success in your business, starting a new project, penning that novel, composing that song or just making ends meet; it requires more than just wishing and hoping. Having belief and faith are important but action and taking the first steps toward our goals are what's most important.

The longer we procrastinate and put off what we know we must do, the longer it takes to realize our goals. Don't worry about how you're going to get there or if you stumble along the way. Just get started and take action toward something you really want and you'll be that much closer.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

To Ning or Not to Ning?

To ning or not to ning? By ning, I'm referring to the Ning network, one of the largest social networks on the web, especially for online marketers. This social networking platform allows you to start your own networking community without having to start from scratch or having to know any coding or pay for any hosting to do so. You can also join many of the preexisting networks that interest you and there is an endless selection of topics.

Once a member of one network in Ning you can easily search for other networks to join or even start your own. It offers many convenient features such as your own built in blog, the ability to upload photos and video, forums and message capabilities. You can also post links and banners to your other websites. Another nice feature is your friends from one network automatically become your friends on the next.

Well,, with all of these features why wouldn't you want to take advantage of such an available and accessible place to network? Well, to put it simply, there is a lot of marketing that goes on within Ning. Like the countless other social networks you can plan on being pitched to and pitched often.

The thing I noticed with Ning however, is the marketing tends to be a little more on the aggressive side. Depending on which network you are in specifically, full out marketing seems to be the norm. This wasn't as apparent to me upon joining my first Ning group, as it was set up as a community and training area for a specific opportunity. However, as time went on and I was invited to join other networks, I began to see a pattern of aggressive marketing.

Don't get me wrong, I am an internet marketer myself and finding creative ways to promote your business is what it's all about. Just be sure you know what you're in for when joining a Ning group. If you can't handle the added influx of friend requests and opportunity pitches to your inbox, then I would think twice before jumping in, but if you realize this is just part of the process, then give it a try.

The Ning network does offer an excellent platform for existing businesses to meet, set up shop, share training, updates, and marketing strategies. In fact, I've gotten some of my best information through my Ning associations. It really depends on who is behind the group that is important. If you find the group you have joined isn't your cup of tea, you can always delete your account.

Overall, I would say it's a fun network to belong to. There are categories for about every kind of interest imaginable. Sure the marketing is aggressive but I'm at a stage where my descretion is pretty good when it comes to fielding pitches. The rules tend to be a little looser as far as the selling goes so be prepared to be pitched. It tends to taper off once you're a member of the same group for a while. I'm interested in your thoughts or experience with Ning. Leave a comment by clicking on "comments" and bookmarks are appreciated.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Joaquin Phoenix Quits Hollywood

Joaquin Phoenix just announced he would be leaving the acting profession and not appear in anymore screen roles. The younger brother of the late River Phoenix stated "This will be my last performance as an actor. I'm not doing films anymore... I've been through that. I've done it... I'm dead serious." He will pursue a music career.

His friend and future band mate Tim Burgess said, "Once he learnt guitar he found that he had quite a lot of demons inside himself that he wanted to expel through music." Referring to the life changing experience Phoenix underwent by learning to play guitar in portraying Johnny Cash in "Walk the Line".

This is bit of a detour for this blog, but it's in keeping with the theme of following one's own vision and listening to that inner voice that drives us. Hollywood and the movie going public are missing a great talent, as his roles and performances have been very compelling. I look forward to his contributions to the music world and wish him well.

Here's a video clip of Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon performing in their own voices as Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash from the film "Walk the Line".

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Developing a Positive Mindset

My last entry about developing a marketing philosophy got me thinking about mindset. Without turning this into some mystical or metaphysical passage it is important to grasp as soon as you can, that you are what you think about. Negativity will spawn more negativity and positivity will breed that which is positive everytime, it is a law of nature.

We all get bogged down in our lives and it is impossible to bop along with a plastered on grin all the time but that is not what having a good mindset is about. It's about focusing on what is important and being true to ourselves. Attitude is everything and the sooner this is understood and practiced the sooner we are able to bring good things into our lives.

We have to mentally train ourselves to be positive in the face of adversity. Life is difficult and dwelling on our shortcomings and challenges will only bring about more stress. It is simply counter productive to wallow in a sea of woe and pain. Embrace the most simple of blessings that most of take for granted and engrain them into your outlook.

First of all, be grateful for the things you do have. You have life. You have food, water, and shelter, and you have people who care about you. What about money? The economy is uncertain right now and money is such a huge focus for us all. We depend on it so much that it seems to dominate every aspect of our lives.

Success is often defined by money especially by outward sources. We are judged by our material wealth today more than ever. This can weigh heavily on our spirit. It is important to note without sounding like a fortune cookie that true happiness does not come from money. Money is a by-product of success not success itself.

Let me repeat that. Money is a by product of success not success itself. I did not coin the phrase "do what you love and money will follow", but I constantly remind myself of this. I need money just like anybody, but I don't let it rule me. Money allows us a lot of freedom to focus on what matters and to not be burdened by the need of it. It is crucial to develop a healthy attitude toward your life, loves, and fellow man or you will find yourself always in a state of want.

It would be impossible to read this entry and be changed immediatly as a result. However, a decision to live your life a certain way and take control over your thoughts can take place in an instant. I couldn't possibly list all my sources of inspiration right here. Some come from books or movies, some come from people or memories, some come from experience, some come from nature, and some just come from within.

Whatever you draw your inspiration and motivation from I recommend you stay in tune with it. Seek out your passions and never let your mind take that dark turn toward doubt and negativity. Drink from good books and value the simple gifts that we are given each day.

There are so many great examples to remind us, guide us and motivate us. Remember, when we control our thoughts and develop a great attitude and mindset is when we really start to live.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Advertising and Marketing: What's the Difference?

Recently I was having a talk about marketing and the subject of advertising seemed to dominate this conversation. We kept coming back to all the different methods of advertising when it dawned on me that advertising is not marketing in and of itself. Many professionals believe it is an interchangeable term that relates to the promotion of their business.

Advertising is actually a component of marketing. As in, all advertising is marketing but not all marketing is advertising. An ad or advertisement is an announcement of a product or service. Albeit an important component of business success, it is merely a device to attract the attention of a particular segment of the population with the goal of an action being carried out. Usually that action is to use or buy the product.

The purpose of marketing is also to attract attention often by using the same media vehicles that we use in advertising. I think where the confusion comes in is this similarity. It is important to plan your whole marketing scheme and develop a plan and philosophy for your business. Advertising is a crucial and necessary tool to attract business, but advertising alone is not enough.

Marketing begins with the relationship you want to form with a given public, be it large or small. It begins with the image you want to create and the emotion or feelings you want to stir in people. Part of this can be done through effective advertising campaigns, but your marketing is the all encompassing bedrock of your business.

Think of the most successful brands in the world. They usually conjure an image that is directly associated with that brand. Rolex or Mercedez Benz immediately brings to mind affluence and a high standard of living. Ford automobiles stands for family and tradition, Heinz ketchup for quality and consistency, and Sony for cutting edge and precision technology.

These companies have spent years building their reputation and it started with their marketing foundation. The advertising reflects their market image but it is not the foundation of the brand. Many other factors are involved in marketing, such as service, brand image, quality, recognition, a logo, relationship with customers, public relations, and above all being unique.

How does your product make people feel? More importantly, does it make them feel good by doing business with you other than someone else. Constantly focus on building the best brand and image possible and do whatever you can to improve. Consider your marketing philosophy as a whole when developing a business strategy and let the advertising drive your success, but don't let it become your business.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Key to Wealth

What is the difference between the rich and the poor? Money? Perhaps. But what else? What is the key ingredient that separates the rich and the poor. It's got to be something.

There are many unknowns concerning this question. People are born into wealth, some people have brilliant minds or exceptional abilities and are rewarded for their talents, some inherit wealth, win the lottery, or just get lucky. And yes many work hard, make the right investments and over time accumulate wealth.

Then there are those who work hard and never seem to have two dimes to scratch together. Many are born into very unfavorable circumstances with insurmountable odds against succeeding or they're just never presented with the right opportunity.

Why then do some rise out of these bad situations or out of want and poverty into wealth and abundance. No one can answer these questions with absolute certainty or why there is so much imbalance in the abundance of wealth in the first place. There are many unknowns both from an economic point of view and especially a spiritual point of view.

Why so much inequity. We probably will never know the answer to all the whys. However, many a wealthy people have risen from a life of lack into a life of riches. When these people have been questioned about how they were able to acheive so much, their answers ring with some surprising commonalities.

Some of these traits are an undying belief in self or in one's cause. Passion, persistence, tenacity comes up over and again. The willingness to fail and to learn is very important. But more common to them all is the desire to give and give generously.

J.D. Rockefeller rose from a poor family to a modest bookkeeper to an oil refining magnate to one if not the richest man in the world. Rockefeller decided very early in his life that he would amass so much money, as much money as humanly possible just so he could give away and donate money to help others.

It's funny how historical facts get blurred. Rockefeller has not always been painted in such a favorable light but this business pioneer was a devoted family man and humanitarian who gave to countless causes and lived to be a happy ninety years old.

When we convince ourselves that true riches come from giving rather than the scarcity mindset of "what's in it for me". We can begin to experience the true meaning of wealth. Live to give, expect little, and the rewards will follow. Many a great men have said words similar to this.

Also, the ability to learn from one's mistakes and not fear these mistakes and failures but to embrace them and learn to grow from each and every one. This is the key. The thirst for knowledge and learning. The wealthy recongnize when they don't have the answer or know something and seek out answers from those that do.

They are humble students of life throughout their life and can admit when they are wrong. The poor thinking man cannot admit mistakes and is ashamed of not knowing what they think they should and stubbornly refuse to learn and grow and change, because, of course, they have the answers. The result is usually an atttitude of blame, resentment, jealousy, self pity and lack.

Of course there are many gray areas involving these concepts but the prevailing truth is that the wealthy man pursues a life of continual learning and generousity. This may contradict many perceived notions and stereotypes about rich, greedy misers and they certainly do exist. However, these men do not live a life of true abundance and wealth, even though their bank accounts may reflect they do.

A life of wealth is about so much more than money. Money can create the fuel for abundant living and freedom but it is up to you, how you spend your money and live your life.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Promoting Offline Businesses Online

Every once in a while, sometimes more often than we want, the overall marketplace experiences a hiccup or just plain stagnates. This is to be expected and should not be cause for panic. We are now going through some serious economic woes and uncertainty, not to mention being at the tail end of a crucial and historic election year.

Some online marketers may feel nervous, confused, or frustrated. Others may be pessimistic or feel that the market is glutted or saturated. Acknowledge these concerns and press on. We must know that all markets experience fluctuations and the smart marketers know how to ride these highs and lows and even turn them into an advantage.

The population of the United States, the world, and the statistics associated with online users and future business seekers is still favorable. At the time of this writing there is still a huge untapped market in practically all niches. A huge boon to my business recently is knowing the next big thing or the next wave. What I'm talking about is courting the next evolution of online marketers. Or put more plainly, bridging the offline world with the online world.

This can take place in your own backyard at the local level in your own city or province. This is not to say to ditch all your global efforts and focus only on your town. No, this is the time to introduce your global marketing skills and incorporate them into your online marketing business strategy. This opens up a whole new segment for you to help and benefit from, as well.

The number of businesses that can be helped by you in your town is likely more than you can handle on your own. In other words, there is very little if any competition. You see, many top marketers already have a strong online customer base and they're not tapping into this market. Other web designers and technical services cater to a completely different customer base and rarely see things from a marketing point of view.

This is where you come in. In practically any town of any size there is an endless supply of businesses that you can share your knowledge of marketing online using the free and available platforms you use yourself to market internet related programs and services. For example, a video featuring a local hair salon and blog entry that highlights the specials for that salon with a personal message, discounts, and of course, contact information can bring in customers that were searching online instead of the phone book.

Since there aren't many small businesses going beyond the typical "directoy services" there is very little competition. So, optimizing for these businesses for the search engines is relatively easy. Many large realty companies are doing this, but there are many who need some help. Most business owners are focusing on running their daily operation and just need someone to introduce and assist them with new alternatives of promotion and advertising.

You can start with a phone book just to get ideas. Think of all the lawyers, realtors, insurance agents, painters, and shop owners you can find as new customers. Concentrate on businesses who are open to new ways to market and generate clients, customers, and revenue. Develop relationships that bridge your online and offline interests, this will bring exponential growth.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Identifying Your Market in Your Online Business

As online marketers we are so focused on generating leads and traffic that sometimes we develop tunnel vision. That is not to say that focus isn't important, it is. Not seeing the trees through the forest is a common mistake. Much of what happens in our efforts to generate business is overlooking the ones we can actually help the most.

First, consider your level of expertise, before considering who you're targeting in your marketing. I'm not going to sell Anthony Robbins a course on self improvement, he has reached the pinnacle of that field. However, I may be able to offer him discounted CD distribution, membership in a luxury hotel club for frequent travellers, or the inside scoop on a top company's need for motivational restructuring. These are just examples, of course.

There are plenty of people who want and need what you have if you can identify them. Don't try to hide your level of skill, this will only backfire in the long run. Instead embrace it and specify what your material is, who it is for, and what it can do for that prospect. Trying to cater to "everybody" is pointless. Your own materials may be specifically geared toward beginners, someone who can barely send an email, and that's fine. A top guru will not have the time to give the needed attention to bring a newbie up to speed.

There's a need for training and instruction at many levels that need filling; beginning, intermediate, advanced, and this should be your main concern. Who can benefit from my material? Then plan your marketing strategy accordingly? Marketing to beginners can be very rewarding and lucrative. Too often I see marketers presenting themselves as experts and coaches when their own methods are very basic. There is nothing wrong with not being an expert in all areas of marketing, especially on the internet which is so dependent on the technology itself.

So remember when you are planning your marketing strategy to make clear who the market is and speak to that crowd. I was lured into internet marketing from books and the magazine world. My curiousity was peaked by television and newspaper ads. My drive to succeed was reinforced by listening to the top mentors, but I sought out people more like myself, who had more knowlege than me but were more apt to share their information.

If you take anything from this entry, it would be, not to waste your time trying to sell ice to eskimos. Instead, think in terms of selling water to thirsty desert travellers. You will get much better results and enjoy more success by knowing who your customers are not and especially who they are.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Increase the Value of Your Business with Great Tools

When looking for a business to start or a service to offer take a lesson from some of the most successful figures in history. Offer tools for success in a given area. You may choose to offer something totally unrelated to this or you may already have a product in mind to sell, but adding tools and training to your inventory will benefit you greatly.

During the many gold rushes throughout the United States in the late 1800's and at the turn of the century it was the providers of mining tools who made the real fortune. It is a difficult concept to grasp at first. For one thing it is much less glamorous, and for another it is a much slower road to wealth, but it is often more lucrative.

Many of the miners would invest all their time mining, and in turn invest money into needed equipment to get the job done faster and easier. There was a fininte supply of gold available to these miners, yet the promise of instant riches fueled their desire. The outfitters who supplied the needed mining gear, in the form of every tool imaginable, however, saw no end to the demand for their product and recognized this fact early on.

The late Howard Hughes inherited great wealth and increased that wealth by manufacturing and supplying drill bits to oil rigging companies. In fact, Hughes was often mistaken for being an "oil man" because of his association with the oil companies. He made a far greater fortune than the actual oil drillers. Albeit, he ventured into an endless list of other ventures in film and aviation, the foundation of his success was that of a supplier.

Keep in mind, there is still a hungry marketplace for a variety of products, but incorporating tools and training will further increase your success and enhance your overall business. Take for instance, marketing online, there is an endless supply of programs that promise instant wealth and riches much like the allure of striking gold in the Ozarks. You could readily compare the online world of marketing to a modern gold rush.

The times have changed, obviously, and the methods of mining take place through technology; but the dynamics are very much the same. Even the personality traits of the players are very similar. Online entrepreneurs tend to be adventurous and optimistic risk takers.

It is important to entrepreneurs to have well designed tools to make their job of mining easier. Anytime you recognize the opportunity or need to create a valuable tool that will benefit others by all means do so. On the other, hand if you find a valuable tool that is of benefit to you, chances are you can promote that tool, either as an affiliate or joint venture partner or just make your customers and business partners aware of it.

So much of our effort online is spent adjusting to changes in technology and learning the basics that this only makes sense. Consider adding or incorporating better tools to what it is you offer and you'll see better results. If your system, business, or program is weak in this area, then find partners to collaborate with who offer what you and your customers need. This way even more people benefit.

People can find many systems to promote, but the best systems are those with great tools and training. This can be in the form of mentorship, coaching, personal development, technical support, podcasts,webinars, conference calls, ebooks, software, videos, etc. The important thing is that the tools are available, regardless of the business that uses them. Why not be the one who brings them to your market?

So whether it's learning how to generate more traffic, how to create websites easier, how to attract leads or how to communicate and relay information; keep in mind that these practices all require good tools, and tools are products in and of themselves. Fuctionality, adaptability, and performance are what to look for in good tools. This will help you create more diversity in your business as a powerful resource center and not just another miner of gold.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Free Traffic Formula Review. It's a Winner

My friends and fellow internet marketers, Dan Dimit and Daniel Pereira, are finally revealing their traffic secrets. It's about time guys. This stuff is just too good to keep to yourself. I'm excited about endorsing this awesome new marketing package. For one thing I've learned tons from these guys, and another thing, as soon as anybody gets hold of it because I refered them, it makes me look pretty darn good. Smart marketers will invest the dime and get hold of this valuable info but enjoy all the free tips and download the free ebooks while you're at it.

Check It Out Here

The Secret Traffic Formula

[The Free Traffic Formula] Revealed:

How you can finally stop paying that Giant Google thousands of dollars per month, and start getting "paid back" as Google starts giving you traffic for free!

The trick to getting hoards of free traffic to a brand new site within 24 hours, without using any SEO techniques.

Learn how in the first week that Dan Dimit and Daniel Pereira launched the free traffic formula, they were able to bring in hoards of free unique visitors, without using a super affiliate, telling our lists about our site, and without spending a single dime in advertising!

The secret tool Dan Dimit and Daniel Periera use to dominate keywords on the web. They have dominated certain keyword phrases within hours, getting top 10 Google placement and eager prospects ready to learn more!

How to multiply your efforts and have one of your videos/articles/free reports get distributed to hundreds of websites for massive exposure, all with a click of a button!

How to easily turn each one of your website visitors into a viral marketer, providing you with priceless word of mouth advertising.

Learn More!

Why if you follow a few simple techniques, any business, online or offline, will literally multiply in size overnight!

How you can compete as the little guy against big businesses, including all of those giant companies that have been around before the dot com bust. Then, learn to legally "steal" massive profits straight from those sites!

Why you can ditch your advertising all together and achieve even more traffic (all for free) than if you would have spent $10,000 per month in advertising!

Generate more profits and more money through your sites than you ever thought possible!

How you can get top Google rankings for hundreds of small market niches that still get hundreds of searches per day!

Discover how you can set up affiliate programs through multiple sites where you only pay per performance, getting even more free traffic to your site!

How you can set up your own "free traffic school" and get paid for teaching other people how to get free leads and website traffic!

How to use the same PPC data that people are paying for in order for you to start driving even more free traffic to your site.

How to easily create a viral report or eBook for your business in less than 48 hours, bringing in more traffic!

The secret to getting people to call you for your business or product every day, so you NEVER have to do cold calling again!

How to dominate multiple positions on the first page of Google listings. Having the #1 spot is great, but why not go ahead and take spots #2 through 7 while you're at it?

How to make a current business of yours profitable, even if you have been at break-even for months! (I used to have a product in this same situation, I'll share my story of how I am now making hundreds per month in residual income with that one product (that used to be a for sure failure), without spending a dime in advertising!)

How you can legally "spam" people, and build a list of thousands of prospects, and your I.P. address won't even be blocked. You're gonna love this one!

How to get free leads and people calling you for your business, even if you never set up a website! (and still get those top search engine rankings!)

How to have all of your affiliate commissions be 100% pure profit!

How to get tons of links pointing straight to you, without ever linking to anyone else! (Personally, I hate the concept of link exchanges!)

How to get the highest search engine rankings for products that you don't even own. The product owners will be scratching their heads, wondering why YOU have top search engine rankings and they don't! (I'll share with you how I got a HUGE company wanting to talk to me on the phone because they thought that I was some big shot in the industry! NOPE! Within only a few hours I had better search engine placement for their company name, almost effortlessly!)

Thanks guys. There is too much to mention with just one post. I'm getting awesome results just by using a few of the secret traffic formula.

The Free Traffic Formula

Friday, September 19, 2008

Over Deliver in Whatever You Offer

When undertaking a new business or internet enterprise be prepared to deliver the goods. That is over deliver. If you want to stand out amongst the countless mediocre businesses that are out there, give of yourself and share all the resources you have at your disposal. This is not only a good philosophy to adopt, but it is mandatory.

There is way too much competition and too many alternatives available today to offer some run of the mill product or service and expect people to be satisfied. Others may get away with it, but that doesn't make it OK to perpetuate this practice. Make it your mission to blow your customers away with the value you offer. You may fear this will exhaust you or overwhelm you, but I can assure you the opposite is true.

Outside forces tend to come into play when needed. If you are truly on a mission to help others and offer a business, system, or program that is of value it will get noticed and as such others will rally behind this system and actually compound and contribute to your efforts. You will find this reaction energizes you and inspires you to do even more.

So few people really make themselves available to spend the time assisting their newly recruited clients or customers and offering them the assurance and support they need. By simply going that extra step and taking the time to answer questions, return phone calls, return emails, and showing your concern; you are fostering more trust and a stronger bond that will pay off in the long run.

Take a lesson from the top businesses or noted personalities who are among us today. What are the commonalities? What qualities do they share? Above all they are givers. They blow people away. Disney World does this, Walmart does this, McDonald's does this and even Britany Spears. All in their own way, they offer something and they don't hold back. Fan or not, this is undeniable.

If this sounds foreign to you or like some unnecessary mumbo jumbo I would encourage you to reexamine your intent and your expectations. A customer can always buy from someone else or a new client can always seek a service elsewhere. Don't be concerned with "the how" as much as the effort. If you put forth more effort, even more than you think you possess, you will most assuredly reap the benefits, and in most cases, in more ways than you can measure by a bank balance.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Positioning You and Your Business for What Is to Come

Let me share some recent discoveries that may help you find the potential that will allow you to dramatically change or improve your financial status and quality of life. The world population is around seven billion people and the use of the internet defies belief when you compare the number of internet users to that figure. It's massive to put it plainly and online usage is growing at an astounding pace.

The online home based business industry is creating more millionaires than any time in history. Average people fed up with their nine to five jobs; stay-at-home-moms, entrepreneurs, people looking to expand or enhance their offline business, seasoned computer professionals, newcomers, hobbyists, network marketers, inventors, artists, musicians, even teenagers.

Based on statistics and the number of current users online there's a hungry marketplace. To position yourself ahead of the exponential growth expected in years to come will secure your position as a marketer. By starting now you can ride this wave and grow with it rather than being left behind.

The time now. Sure the economy is stagnate, but if history tells us anything at all, the economy is cyclical. I know where I'll be, right here online anchoring my position online "Staking my claim" if you will. It would be crazy not to develop an online presence. The potential is unlimited.

Right now there are so many free conveniences available to online users. Conveniences we sometimes take for granted. Take your email for example, or sites like Youtube and Facebook, other social networks, blogs and forums: they're all free. The cost of your internet connection is affordable. The cost of a domain name is cheap, and it's also affordable to have a website designed, developed, and hosted.

This isn't an economic report, but we are at a crossroads. The quiete before the storm if you will. The economy is recessing in general but internet commerce is moving right along. The housing market is temporarily stagnate which has many Americans worried and waiting. The stock market is in an overall bear market but the top analysts are optimistic. The presidential elections have citizens and the business world waiting to see what's next.

All these factors are normal and cyclical, so when everything rebounds the economy will take off. If the commerce on the internet is thriving now, wait until the economy as a whole is strong and growing again. Lookout! The next internet wealth explosion is very near and you want to be established and positioned in your business so you are running with it and so you don't get left behind. Starting your business today you can strategically take advantage of this coming boom now and avoid the regret of delay when it does come.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Online Success Is Earned

The lure of easy money and fast fortunes are rampant on the internet today. People are seduced into believing all the hype simply because they want to believe it. Many internet marketers prey on hungry and eager consumers omitting the fact that it takes dedication and knowledge and certain skillsets.

Fortunes can be made online, in fact, they're made every day. The ones who succeed online understand what it takes to market online. Marketing is the number one skill that must be cultivated and within that skill comes another subset of skills to learn.

Gone are the days of having a replicated website that thrives on sheer luck and market demand. Now the buyers market is educated, aware, and selective. It's the responsibility of the marketer or would be marketer to offer value and be accountable for what they are offering.

People who don't grasp this concept early, are in for frustration and disappointment. The ones that do grasp it will be in that upper echelon of the online marketing community. What many opportunity seekers don't realize is that the company or person that they're buying from put the work in at some point in time. They may have acheived a status or position that actually does allow their business to run on autopilot now.

Sometimes the marketer fails to reveal how much work came before their success and when the new prospect does not get instant or similar results, they feel ripped off or cheated. There are so many variables to grasp when starting any enterprise. Learning and applying the basics are crucial in developing a foundation to build upon. This doesn't have to be a painstaking and long process either, as long as you're open to learning and mastering certain skills.

Keep in mind that if you want to acheive a higher level of success you will be offering or selling a product or service just as it was offered to you. In order for you to succeed you've got to be able to pass some of what you've learned down the line. Your success level depends on just how much you are willing to offer. If you try to skip over learning the basics or if you didn't have a good guide to begin with you may end up wondering why your not making your fortune.

Just remember to be prepared to put some effort into whatever business it is you decide to take on. Look for coaches, mentors, and support communities that share your vision and this will excellerate the learning process. Make your mistakes early, then it will get easier and with some effort you to will be on your way to your fortune.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Some Eye-opening Statistics

Here are some eye-opening statistics I thought I'd post. They are very sobering and I post them not only for readers to find, but also to refer back to myself. I have no problem staying motivated, but in the chosen path of internet marketing, or any other field for that matter, a reminder now and then never hurt anything.

Out of all people that start employment at age 20, by age 65
1% are wealthy
4% have enough money to retire
3% are still working (can't afford to quit)
63% depend on Social Security, friends or charity
29% are dead and
95% of all Americans retire in poverty after working for 45 years!
- Bureau of Labor Statistics -

Monday, September 1, 2008

New Web Browser Recommendation: Flock

Just when I was getting used to my Firefox web browser, along comes Flock. A flock of what? Well Flock is a relatively new web browser that is creating a lot of buzz in the web 2.0 world. It is actually a close relative to Firefox, as it is built out of the Firefox codebase.

I first became aware of this service by tuning into the Thirty Day Challenge. Ed Dale does a 30 Day Challenge to teach affiliate marketing techniques for free, to anyone who signs up. Ed Dale provides such useful and cutting edge information during this thirty day period, that when he gave such high marks to Flock, I decided it was time to check it out.

It's a bit overwhelming and confusing at first, because there is so much on the screen. Though I must say I am very pleased with this service and give it a high recommendation as well. The speed at which I'm able to zip from page to page is a welcome bonus. I can see this facilitating the speed at which I accomplish the task I do on a daily bases. As an online web 2.0 marketer it is envaluble, as a tool the way it integrates with the popular social networks, blog sites, my own emails, etc.

Flock specializes in providing social networking and other Web 2.0 features built into its user interface. The browser is built on the Mozilla Firefox Code base. On June 16th 2008 Flock 2 based on Mozilla's Firefox 3 went into open beta.
The Flock browser is available as a free download, and supports Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms.

In May 2008, Flock won the Social Networking category of the Webby Awards. Flock was nominated for this award along with Facebook, Bebo, and Ning. On July 22, 2008 Linux distributor PC/OS announced that the Flock browser would replace Firefox as its primary browser on its workstation releases.

Flock 1.1 integrates social networking and media services including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Flickr, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, etc. When you log into any of the supported social services, Flock automatically activates these services within its features:

* Flock can indicate when friends have updated their profile, uploaded photos or other items.
* Flock has internal features that allows the sharing of text, links, photos and videos.]
* Flock has its own "media bar" allowing preview of online videos and photos, and subscription to photo and video feeds.
* Flock's Feed Reader organizes Atom and RSS feeds.
* Flock's Blog Editor allows direct posting into a designated blog, along with being a blog reader.
* Flock's web-mail component allows users to check email without going to the site, compose new messages, and to drag and drop pictures and videos from the mediabar or web clipboard into a new email message.

I'm still learning some of the features and not even taking advantage of all of them, but I highly recommend downloading Flock and giving it a test drive. I can already see the advantages of using this quick and agile service. And in the web 2.0 world, high speed is what it's all about.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Animoto Tutorial: How to Create a Quick Video with Your Own Pictures

The new Animoto slide/video creation site provides an easy to use platform to create quick and effective videos and market your business online. Animoto allows you to upload photos and your own music or music from their library. The music is by artists who allow their music to be played publicly without a royalty fee.

Here's a quick tutorial I made to walk you through making a quick Animoto video.

Here's a sample of one of those videos.

Then there are many other features as far as what you can do with the video. For instance: uploading it to YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, your website or blog. I recommend this site to anyone looking to enhance their video making skills and especially for internet marketers. I still recommend simple videos that reveal who you are, but this is just another complement to your arsenal of tools to market online.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blogger Basics and Key Features

Here's a video tutorial I posted on YouTube on the basics and advantages of blogging. Particularly this blog service right here - - A free blog platform that allows you to create multiple blogs, update them as often as you want, and add an array of features and gadgets.

Blog is short for weblog and is a way to keep a journal or log online about your goings on, activities, interest, or business. Blogging is an excellent tool for business promotion and a great way to network with other marketers and potential clients.

Gaining a readership to your blog or a following is no easy task and comes with consistency and offering content that is of value. That content may be of an informational nature or entertainment value. There really is no limit to what can be done with your blog.

Blogging not only is a great form of sharing content on the web, informing others about yourself, and networking; it also can be used to link to your other websites, create valuable backlinks, and get you high page ranking through organic or natural page ranking.

The are many blog services available on the web and most of them are free. Some people choose to host their own blog through their web host or on their own server. This provides even more flexibility and features, although the principles remain the same.

Sunday, August 24, 2008 Creator Features James Broadfoot on His Blog

My special thanks to Christopher Knight,CEO and Creator of for giving me an unexpected mention on his site's blog.

Here's the Post

James Broadfoot, Basic PLUS Author

My last entry featured a video tutorial in how to submit an article to Ezinearticles. This video was originally uploaded to YouTube and somehow Chris Knight became aware of it and posted it on the Ezinearticles blog.

It just goes to show that you never know when you're going to receive an unexpected and valuable reward for your efforts; and you never know where it's going to come from.

Article writing has long been a favorite internet activity of mine, not only for creating traffic, but as a form of self expression and discovery. As an advocate of writing articles and contributing good content to the web, I highly recommend exporing this yourself. The potential to reach people in your area of expertise and to interchange ideas is an area I will continue to emphasis.

Here's the Post

Feel free to check out my video and the nice mention I received from Mr. Knight on his blog, as well as delving deeper into the world of article submission. Subscribing to a few of the endless ezines,categories and subjects wouldn't be a bad idea either. There are many article directory sites, but I must say Ezinearticles is one of the best.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Submitting Articles to Ezinearticles:Video Tutorial

Get your articles read, generate free traffic to your website, and create valuable backlinks to your website or blog by posting on the popular article sites. This tutorial teaches you the basics in submitting an article, specifically to

Article writing is just a drop in the bucket of the many free ways to promote your online business or opportunity. Writing and submitting quality articles with good content is a great way to generate traffic to your website. is one of the leading article submission sites.

There are numerous article submission sites and they all vary slightly from site to site, but the basics are very similar in how to submit your article. This is an excellent free method to create valuable content and contribute to the internet marketing community. Interested subscribers will read your content and visit your other opportunities to find out more.

The topics and subjects to write on are limitless. Just find a subject area that you're passionate about and compose an article consisting of four to eight hundred words or about three to seven paragraphs filled with good content and value about your topic. Do a little keyword research and load your article with longtail keywords and keyword rich content so the search engines will spider your article and give you a higher page ranking.

Bloggers may use your articles on their blogs which further increases your web exposure and, of course, it's mandatory for them to include and keep your links in tact. I highly recommend submitting articles to the article directories because of the many advantages to your marketing efforts.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Flip Mino Review or "Endorsement"

My Flip Mino Review is actually a ringing endorsement. Listed below the video are some features and specs. My favorite features are the easy to use touch-sensitive controls, the big red record button, the "handle-ability", the tripod mount, and the ease of use in general. Least favorite features: buttons can be a little too sensitive or not responsive enough when in use and standing on its own while trying to keep frame still during adjustments. Sensitivity to light is at times hard to predict, but overall an excellent and fun to use electronic device. Highly recommended. Well worth the low cost, which may vary from online to standard retailers.

This will be a boon to my business and I can see the value that even a non-techie professional can gain from having a Mino. My special thanks and gratitude go out to Jamie Simmons and Wynn Ahern of Pure Digital Technologies,Inc. for sending me the unit to review.

Suggested uses in business for the Mino:
Impromptu testimonials
Sales presentations
Legal depositions
Mini-commercials for video sites
Real estate walk thrus
Real estate property tapings
Insurance damage
Used for a memory device
Demonstrations of all kinds
Meeting documentation
Get-togethers, celebrations, and award banquets

Here's my video endorsement:

Flip Mino Specifications:
Weight 3.3 oz.
One-touch push button record with 2x digital zoom
Touch-sensitive buttons for instant recording, playback, fast forward, rewind, pause and delete
Built-in software compatible w/PC or Mac:
Instant upload to MySpace, YouTube, and AOL Video
One-click emailing of videos and video
Custom editing, movie mixes, set to your own music
Capture still photos from video
TV connection for instant viewing (cable included)
Tripod mount
Available accessories (sold separately): AC power adapter, tripod, action mount, and pouch
Available in black or white: MSRP $179.99.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Article Writing Increases Your Web Traffic: Here are the Basics

Article writing is one of the best ways to generate traffic to your website or blog. It really isn't that difficult once you learn the basics and the results will pay off. You don't have to be an expert to compose an effective article that gets read and creates traffic. The first thing to consider when writing an article is to pick a specific topic. Compose your article beforehand, then just copy and paste it to the article sites and make the necessary adjustments once logged in to that article site.

The best method is to use a conversational approach as if you're talking to a friend. This will ease any pressure you have in composing the piece, as well as, ending up with a more effective final product once it reaches your audience. Do not "pitch" your opportunity in the article directories. In fact, you don't have to mention your opportunity at all.

Write about an area of expertise you know about, then compose four to five short paragraphs about it. Most article sites have a resource box that you can give a short pitch, introduction, or bio that can contain a link or two to your opportunity. The article directories are particular about obvious pitches and I have had a few articles denied because of even mentioning benefits of a program, but there are ways around this. Like I mentioned, write about a related skill and do your "pitching" in the resource box. Or write an "unbiased review" of the opportunity you are promoting.

Some basic topics that just about anybody can write an article about are, "How Online Marketing is a Great Way to Earn Extra Money", "Top 10 Reasons to Start a Home Based Business", "Why Stay-at-Home Moms Are Turning to Home Based Businesses", or "Recession Proof Businesses".

The first paragraph should be an introduction and present a problem. The second paragraph should offer solutions to this problem. For example, the economy is tough, what is a way to make an extra income? An online business. Or, what are the most common Craigslists mistakes? Then go on to explain the solutions. Offer an example or two and a testimonial about how it worked for you or someone you know.

Then simply conclude your article by reinforcing the main points. So you want to be conversational, include examples and ways to overcome obstacles, and increase your credibility with endorsements. These are the basics and will work as a basic guideline until you become more comfortable and develop your own writing style.

Finally, an important but overlooked element, is the call to action. This applies to the spoken word too. A call to action is simply directing or asking the reader what action to take. Whether subtle or direct, do not omit this step. Whether it is to buy, sign up or support something, be sure to include instructions as to what you want them to do in the first place. On article sites be subtle and save this for the resource box.

If these bases are covered, your article will do the job. Why does this work and How does this help you? Well, article sites have subscribers, so when you submit and get an article accepted it automatically gets read by that subsciber base in the related subject. This increases your web presence and credibility. Also, your article will get picked up by other sites who use these sites for fresh content on their own sites with your links in tact. Lastly, and best of all, the search engines can pick up the content within your article and give you free and organic page ranking. It also creates backlinks to your site, which further helps your page ranking.

Here are some things to remember when submitting an article:

1. Don't pitch or sell.

2. Write articles in advance and change the title and a few sentences around when submitting to different article sites to avoid duplicate content.

3. Have a premade paragraph saved to use in your "resource box". Here is an example, John Q. Public lives in Pine View, Kansas with his family and has found out how to make an income from home. Visit Here (LINK) to see his latest opportunity or visit his blog HERE(LINK)to learn more.

To create a clickable link on these sites, just VIEW THIS VIDEO as I cannot create an example without it creating a link. This is about the only HTML you need to know if you don't already know HTML.

Find more videos like this on zero2riches

Click Here or What you want link to say

The http:// is where you want it to go, and the CLICK HERE between the >< will show up as a clickable blue link.

4. Abide by the Terms and Conditions. Most of them are the same and allow no more than two links in resource box. You can put links in the body but the rules get complex.

5. The first 3 words of the article title are the most important-make them count.

Some Article Sites I submit to regularly: (you create your "resource box" as your last paragraph in the body)

If you absolutely do not want to write articles, there are services that will help you with this. I would highly recommend having at least a few articles out there, as they will increase your web presence and credibility.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

[Election 08] , Who knew?

Here's something pretty wild. Although I have no political aspirations I still thought this was worth posting.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Explorer vs. Firefox?

I like to consider myself somewhat in the loop as far as internet trends and technology go, but I guess I've been a little stubborn when it comes to switching to Firefox exclusively. Of course I'm referring to the internet browser offered by Mozilla that most internet users are either already using are switching from Explore to anyway.

I don't know if this is a huge debate or issue, since it does not after all, require a total commitment to switch from Microsoft's standby. You can indeed use one, or the other, both, or even both at the same time. Just lately, however, it has really become an issue.

I heard ramblings a year or so ago about how even Bill Gates himself admits that the platforms and applications on today's internet are not compatible or supported by Explorer. Still, I just ho-hummed all this and went on with my business.

My question is why not? Why would the very anchor of internet accessibility not be on or ahead of the curve. Who knows? Anyway, lately I have gradually started using my Firefox, even though it's been on my desktop for some time now. Mostly out of frustration with Explorer. The results have been quite favorable, even though, it takes a little getting used to change. But online, of course, that is the name of the game.

There are also a whole host of other browser services too, but that is the subject of another entry. I just know I ignored what I had heard and stubbornly clung to my familiar Explorer and will more than likely say goodbye all together if it is not updated.

I don't know why it has gotten so difficult for Explorer to perform lately. It has seemed to work fine, then slow, then slower, than really squirrely, then fine again. I just thought it may be my computer or something. The bottom line is Firefox has saved me on many occasion lately and I guess that can't be a coincidence.

I still don't know the what or why or what Microsoft intends to do, if anything. All I know is I'll still have Explorer on my desktop and Firefox as the primary vehicle for my work. Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts or just enlighten me as to what your experiences have been related to this issue.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Keywords Tip : Long Tail Keywords Improve Your Ad Copy

Keywords are the foundation to any copy or text you have on the internet. Since that is the case it is important to know exactly what they are and the function they perform. What's the big deal aren't they just words? Well yes and no. Keywords are the specific words you expand the rest of your copy around so that when people are searching for specific subject they are presented with results related to what they are looking for.

This sounds easy enough but the truth of the matter is certain words are very profitable and as a result very competitive. This can deter the inexperienced from entering the game all together. Some incredibly competitive categories are 'making money online', 'auto insurance', 'home loans', 'lawyer', and 'mesothelioma'. Meso what? That is or has been the number one and most competitive keyword for some time now, based on the million dollar court settlements related to this disease. Big law firms vie for top ranking with this keyword every day. The point is certain words and phrases are competitive for a reason. Money.

It is important to grasp this concept early on in you internet marketing journey to avoid a lot of wasted time and money. There are experts who do nothing but target these top profitable keywords making it seem impossible for the novice to carve out their position. You can do one of two things. You can learn the strategies and become an expert yourself or you can find ways to attract the overflow of people who are searching for related topics, but just not the exact keyword.

What I'm referring to specifically is 'long tail keywords'. There are tools that allow you to create these long tail keywords that have many people searching for them but little competition. That is the key and I'll repeat it. Heavily searched words and phrases with little competition. Let say you're offering vitamins and natural supplements on your website or you have an affiliate link to such a site, you might be ready to promote it. When composing your page copy or ad; find ways to use the lesser used word combination. For example, the word "vitamins" is very competitive, as well as the word "health", so find a phrase like "new homeopathic remedies" or "family health solution", or discount vitamins in Dallas, Texas".

Finding just the right combination won't happen instantly but once you find it run with it. This is what the top internet earners do. It takes experimentation and split testing but the results of the extra time spent is quite rewarding. A well written ad will bring in more traffic and well written copy will call the reader to action. It is also more likely that that copy will be crawled and appear in the result and rank higher natural when people are searching for that phrase. This is referred to as ranking organically.

Some more steps to take when composing an ad for a pay per click campaign are to make sure your keywords appear in your ad title and somewhere in your two-line description. Google will bold the keyword wherever it appears, so the more often you include it in your ad, the more your ad stands out. Google will also consider your ad more relevant to the keyword which can translate into a lower cost per click for you. Plus, your ad will appear more relevant to the person who typed in that keyword, so they’ll be more likely to click on your ad.

Another important tip regarding Google Adwords which is the main pay per click service is to set a daily budget and to use the adwords tool to set your bid for those words. Bidding of cours determines how often your ad will appear in the results. This is why it's best to look for those combinations that only cost around .05 versus $15 or $20 on up per click. Set your budget options to the standard delivery method so your ads show evenly over time. Then set the ad serving option to “rotate” so your ads are displayed more evenly. These settings will give you the best variety of searchers.

Keep all of this information in mind when composing page copy or ad campaigns. It will make the difference in how far your ad dollar goes. It will also make the difference in being organically ranked which is better than paid traffic to begin with. Just remember to use long tail keywords instead of the competive expensive words and to try a variety of combinations.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Animoto: Video Marketing Tool That's Edgy, Fun, and Easy to Use

Here is a Press Release available on the new Animoto slide/video creation site I can already see the value in a resource like this. It took me all of ten minutes to create my first test video. Be on the look out for more videos. I will also post a few vids here, my test was just some photos I had on file so I'm not posting it, but wanted to go ahead and get the word out about this awesome site.

Animoto allows you to upload photos and your own music or music from their library. The music is offered by artists that allow to have their music publicly played without royalty fees. Then there is a cadre of features as far as what to do with this video. For example, uploading it to Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, your website or blog, etc.

I highly recommend this site to anyone looking to enhance their video making skills and especially for internet marketers. I still recommend simple videos that reveal who you are, but this is just another complement to your arsenal of tools to market online.

Animoto Press Kit Material:
With all that's possible with TV & film these days, how is it that we are still in the "next slide please" stone age of image presentation? This question prompted the guys at Animoto Productions, a bunch of TV/film producers and techies, to lock themselves in a room and nerd-out. Their mission? To make the type of stuff they did while producing shows at MTV, Comedy Central & ABC available to everyone.

Their first release, Animoto, does just that. Animoto users simply choose which images they'd like to display and a song. Animoto then produces a fully customized & unique video to them. Produced in a widescreen format, the result is a video that has the visual energy of a music video and the emotional impact of a movie trailer. Welcome to the end of slideshows. Best of all, no two videos are ever the same. Ever.

Even videos generated with an identical set of images and music selection will each have an entirely distinct set of motion design. Sharing them is easy too, as they can be emailed, downloaded, and embedded on websites including social network sites like Facebook and MySpace. The heart of Animoto is its newly developed patent-pending Cinematic A.I. technology that thinks like an actual director and editor. The technology takes into account every nuance of a song - the genre, song structure, energy, rhythm, instrumentation, and vocals.

Whether it's punk, pop, hip-hop or a classical Mozart piece, every Animoto video is totally customized. Animoto is inspired by the digital camera revolution where taking dozens, even hundreds of pictures at a time gives people the ability to think more like a video producer capturing an entire experience, not just individual moments. As users are discovering the limits of traditional photo services, the guys at Animoto are innovating new ways for people to share their stories and express themselves through media.

Animoto is also dedicated to supporting new artists and music. So while users can upload their own music, the guys at Animoto also proudly feature a regularly updated selection of fresh music that they truly dig. No stock music, no cover bands and no elevator music. Animoto's front end is built on the open source web framework Ruby on Rails, facilitating rapid "Web 2.0" (Ajax, etc) application development.

Animoto has partnered with Amazon to leverage multiple offerings in their Web Services (AWS) platform which, in conjunction with Animoto's own render farm, constitutes the Animoto web infrastructure. Based in New York City with an office in San Francisco, the founders of Animoto have worked in the entertainment industry, studied music in London, and played in indie rock bands. They share a passion for helping people better share their stories and express themselves through online media by innovating technologies in the field of video production.
End of Press Release

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Flip Mino: Press Release

Below is a press release provided by Pure Digital Technologies of the new Flip Mino. Be on the lookout for my review of this exciting and useful new product. In the meantime please subscribe to my blog and visit my Youtube channel and subscibe to it as well.

Pure Digital Technologies introduces Flip Video Mino, the company’s latest innovation in its popular, critically-acclaimed Flip Video family of camcorders. Weighing in at just over three ounces, the remarkably slim yet powerful Flip Video Mino raises the bar for high-quality, portable, and easy-to-use video. Smaller than most cell phones, Mino fits neatly into a jeans pocket to capture life’s stories whenever and wherever they happen – at a party, a concert, the beach, even on a bike ride. The $179.99 (MSRP) Mino also features Flip Video’s built-in software that allows consumers to simply plug the camcorder’s signature flip-out USB arm into any computer for immediate editing and sharing. For the first time, the Flip Video software enables users to upload video directly to MySpace as well as to YouTube and AOL Video, making it even easier to share video.“Flip Video Mino delivers the perfect combination of high-quality video, sleek design, and ease of use,” said Jonathan Kaplan, CEO of Pure Digital Technologies. “For the millions who share their lives online every day, it’s more than a camcorder – it’s a fun tool for communicating and creatively expressing themselves.”With 2GB of on-board flash memory, Mino allows consumers to capture up to 60 minutes of high-quality video using the camcorder’s intuitive new touch-sensitive buttons to record, play, fast forward, rewind, pause and delete. Users can instantly play back video on the camcorder’s 1.5-inch anti-glare LCD display. Mino uses an internal, rechargeable lithium-ion battery that conveniently recharges whenever the camcorder’s USB arm is connected to a computer and provides more than four hours of recording time on a single charge. Using Mino’s built-in software, consumers are able to edit and share videos instantly from a PC or Mac. In addition to quickly posting videos on sharing and social networking sites, they can email videos and video greeting cards; create custom movies with their own music; capture still photos from video; save and organize videos on the computer; and, for the first time, seamlessly order and send DVDs anywhere in the world. “Video is a major part of the MySpace experience and the Mino’s portable design means MySpace users can capture their life as it happens,” said Josh Brooks, vice president of marketing for MySpace. “We are excited to partner with Flip Video to make it easier than ever for MySpace users to directly upload and share content on MySpaceTV.”
Flip Video Mino Features
Weight: 3.3 oz.
One-touch recording with 2x digital zoom
Touch-sensitive buttons for instant recording, playback, fast forward, rewind, pause and delete
Built-in software compatible with PC or Mac:
Instant upload to MySpace, YouTube, and AOL Video
One-click emailing of videos and video greeting cards
Custom editing of movie mixes, with the option to set them to your own music
Capture of still photos from video
Order DVDs online and have them shipped anywhere in the world
TV connection for instant viewing (cable included)
Tripod mount
Available accessories (sold separately): AC power adapter, tripod, action mount, and pouch
At retailers nationwide including:,, Circuit City, Sears,, and
Available in black or white; suggested retail price: $179.99.
End of Press Release.

Broadfoot will test and review the Flip Mino. The review will appear on this blog as well as on Youtube.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Top 10 Ways to Save Money For Your Home Based Business Investment

1. Sell stuff on eBay : Although this may seem obvious, following through and parting with that old watch or collectible can bring you a quick profit.

2. Have a Yard Sale : It takes work, but when it's all over, you've got extra money and less junk.

3. Pawn Valuables : Everyone has something of value they never use.

4. Borrow from a friend or family member : Not the prefered method, but if you set up a payback schedule and present your idea, this is a way many empires are started.

5. Get a Business Partner : This not only combines financial resources but you now have two different skillsets to draw from.

6. Approach an Investor : Present a formal Business Plan to an investor and work out a formal loan repayment aggreement.

7. Get a Bank Loan : Like investors, banks invest in entrepreneurial enterprises when they are presented professionally (seek out a cosigner if needed).

8. Government Grants : Depending on the nature of your proposed business, there may be free money or low interest loans available. Try or

9. Save : This often takes a while but with concerted effort and sacrifice you may have your money sooner by stashing away an extra 10% than just wishing you had the money.

10. Use Your Credit Card : Don't go overboard with this but a well spent couple of thousand bucks can make the difference between having a profitable online business or not.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quick Video Marketing Is One Solid Program

Learn video marketing concepts with Quick Video Marketing. Quick Video Marketing teaches you the best ways to make money online with tested video marketing methods, solutions and strategies. Web video marketing is a fairly new sector that has been added to the arsenal of the work-at-home professional and entrepreneur. Click this link and see for yourself.

Can you really make money online? Absolutely. Quick Video Marketing provides instructional videos that teach you real ways to make money online. Youtube marketing alone has grown exponentially in just the last year and receives ten percent of the entire web's traffic. Viral video marketing is the goal of the home based business professional and to create viral videos that spread over the net like wildfire and create massive traffic for your website. In the world of internet video advertising or using video for marketing there are certain known, proven techniques that get you more targeted views and quality traffic to your website or blog. Click here for your free marketing ebook.

Quick Video Marketing reveals these strategies. Jeff Schwerdt created quick video marketing and believes in sharing, teaching, and enlightening students of his training course. Blog marketing videos, videos promoting websites, videos that promote a product or service, network marketing videos, sales videos, video advertisements, funny videos are just a few of the types of videos used in internet video advertising. Quick Video Marketing tutorials show you what you need to do to build an online business.

This system is on par with the top video marketing systems that charge thousands of dollars for this information. Quick Video Marketing is more than a video training program, though, it encompasses the whole world of web 2.0 technology; teaching social networking, blogging, affiliate marketing, business mindset, and how to gain the competive edge. You don't even need to have a business or website because this system will teach you what to look for, how to find and start a business, and how to avoid the confusion of starting a new online venture.

There's also an affiliate program included that shows you how to make money right away by promoting the system itself, with all the necessary information, links, back office and tools. This training course is worth its weight in gold and partaking in it will give your business or website an advantage over the competition. This online marketing program is perfect for stay-at-home moms, beginners, seasoned professionals, work-at-home startups, website owners, bloggers, or anyone who wants learn how to market online. Click here to learn more.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Best Internet Home Business For You

What is the best internet based business or the top internet home businesses on the web today? Well there is only one clear winner really. There are literally thousands and thousands of oppotunities that allow regular people to make full-time incomes from home or even fortunes. Naming just one or singling out the best one actually depends on you. The concern of someone entering into this arena should't be asking which home based businesses are on top rather than which ones make a good fit for me.
Online business ventures should be treated with the same respect and dedication as any offline endeavor. It's true that once you learn the necessary steps and get your internet marketing on the right track it will go much easier, but when starting out it takes daily actions and attention that need to be adhered to or you won't find the success you want.

First of all, identify your strengths and interest. You might be a technology freak and look for every new game, gadget, phone, or new software to come out. You stand the best chance of excelling in an area where your abilities are utilized and challenged. Just as if you're into painting or making jewelry, or collecting baseball cards you might find success developing this niche. Your passion is the key to success in whatever business venture you choose.

What about if you're not ready to develop a niche yet, you just want to earn some money. Although this is possible, again, it is your skills, strengths, and interest that play the major part. For example, getting involved in an affiliate program and making a percentage of the sales you generate by driving traffic to someone else's opportunity is a great way to make income, but to maximize your marketing efforts its important to be interested in and knowlegable of the product. Pick an area or product that excites you, so learning about it does not seem like a chore.

Moreover, the type of business marketing or how you will actually run your business is equally important as the product itself. Is this an mlm venture that relies on team building? Selling products on ebay, which brings with it a whole other skill set to learn, a blogging venture or ad revenue business. Affiliate marketing is generally the easiest method to generate income and in doing so you learn the inner workings and foundation of internet marketing without having to start from scratch because the product is already created. You just have to register for the right system with the right instruction and learn to send traffic through a link that is assigned to you.
This is not to say that it is easy or automatic, there is no such thing. You have to learn how to properly set up such a system and more importantly, people have to get access to your link. This is done through pay per click campaigns, videos, social networks, articles, blogs, email, generatin leads, paid classifieds, free ad networks, offline advertising, etc. It's also important to remember that some money will be spent. Top-tier programs will tend to bring you the greatest rewards so you should be willing to invest the time, money, and effort to get these rewards. If you are recommending an inexpensive ebook the rewards may not be that great at first and if you're an inexperienced marketer so you might get discouraged or feel it is not worth the trouble. However over time small ticket products can translate into large volume sales.

Again, what are your interests? What are your expectations and what are you prepared to do to get the results? All of these factors are important and when you evaluate the dynamics of a program with your personality and business style in mind is when you hit on that formula for success. Mastering the routine methods will eventually evolve into a fine run strategy that brings you great rewards. So instead of being concerned with the best internet business, think about the best home business for you and you'll be on your way more success.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Niche Marketing Will Increases Your Success.

Finding your niche. Or neesh? I've heard it pronounced both ways. What is a niche and how can it pertain to you and your business. A niche is a very specific area of interest or talent. Playing darts could be a niche or having vast knowledge of herbal remedies may be another. There are, of course, varying levels of broadness but generally a niche, especially as it relates to business, is very specific. A business that focuses on a niche market is fulfilling a need for a product or service that is not being met at a massive level. A niche market may be thought of as a narrowly defined and specific group of potential customers.

It would certainly serve the entrepreneur well to develop their own niche or find one to become expert in rather than suffer the discouragement of competing for the most competitive subjects on the internet. The more narrow your field the less competition from other marketers. Just remember there must be some level of demand and interest or there will be no customer base. A niche can't be too obscure, though, who's to say what some strange unknown thing might catch on next.

A distinct niche market usually evolves when a potential demand for a product or service is not met by any supply, or when a new demand arises due to changes in society, technology, or the general environment. Niche market ventures may become profitable even though they are by nature small in comparison to the mainstream marketplace, due to the benefits to that niche group.

The key to capitalizing on a niche market is to find or develop a market niche that has customers who are not finding what they need elsewhere. For example, if myself or my grandfather was good at making handmade fishing flies and I researched the web and noticed there was all sorts of fishing supply stores and fishing store advertisers but not many sites to buy flies on, this would indicate a good potential niche. Keep in mind that is growing fast enough, and that is not dominated already. The fact that there were both advertising sellers indicates a level of buyer interest.

Now niche marketing is very much used by affiliate marketers. By seeking out smaller segments of larger markets, a website can be developed and promoted quickly to a unique customer base. This is an excellent way to generate an income stream an also a loyal customer base and list of future customers or in online marketing terms your "list". This technique is could then be applied to other niche websites and markets.

The beauty of niche marketing is that you can apply the marketing lessons learned from one niche area to another niche, whatever it may be. And be a leader because most niche businesses only market on a small scale because they're just not aware of the potential or they feel, why bother trying to compete against huge companies. This way of thinking is a shame because people love discovering rare gems and treasures online and there is usually a hungry market available for thousands of niches, its just a matter of taking the first steps, then building momentum.

Consider these factors when entering into the online marketing arena, because if you do what you know, love and are passionate about that's a victory in and of itself. Also, you won't ever get bored and you won't burn out. This will increase your success and your monetary rewards.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Top Ten Tips. Video Search Engine Optimization

Quick Video Marketing : Video Search Engine Optimization (VSEO)
Here are Ten Tips that will increase your search engine ranking both directly and indirectly.

1. Title - Should convey the subject of the video, grab the attention of potential viewer, and contain a keyword or two.

2. Tags - Should contain keywords, try unique combinations of over used keywords, sometimes this is unavoidable, but at least be accurate and try not to duplicate words too often.

3. Description - Fill with as many keywords and combinations of keywords as possible without being obvious. Search engines are aware of using words over and over but it can work to your advantage if you construct your copy to mix the keywords in with relevant copy. This takes extra time but it is worth it and is time well spent.

4. Links - Make sure you provide a link typed clearly or prominately displayed near or within your video. Youtube for example allows you to insert a clickable link, but it only works when preceeded by the http:// Take advantage of this.

5. Call to Action - Invite, tell, or ask the viewer what you would like them to do. Example: give me a call, visit this website, sign up for my newsletter, subscribe to my blog, by this t-shirt, etc.

6. Grab the attention of the viewer in the first few seconds. This is an indirect technique as it relates to VSEO but this will increase the likelihood of your video being watched in its entirity, shared, and watched more than once. When a video gets more views it starts to circulate and rank.

7. Keep the video short and to the point. 3-5 minutes is good unless instructional or full of valuable content. Again like #6 it is important to keep viewers interest and get message across.

8. Offer Value - If the content of your video offers good value. Be it of an informative or entertaining nature it will circulate and receives more views and acheive higher ranking based on this value. Hint: Funny is Money! If you can make people laugh use it (this is entertainment value), incorporate humor into your marketing or just some of your videos. The results can be viral.

9. Bookmark your videos using platforms such as or and inform your sphere of influence about your video. Use the features on sites like Youtube to share and send videos to your friends. Again this increases it's circulation.

10. Be accurate and honest - This of course goes for the content of your video and the product or service you represent, but as for all of the boxes to fill and categories to enter just be accurate it will pay to have targeted well earned visitors view your video and visit your website.

For more marketing instruction and tips please subscribe to my blog or enroll in the Quick Video Marketing : Training Course.

Video Search Engine Optimization with Quick Video Marketing

In the world of web 2.0 marketing and internet video marketing there are steps you need to take to ensure that your videos do what they are supposed to. It's important to optimize or maximize the tools available so you video reaches it's target audience and as much of it as possible. One method is video search engine optimization. It's not enough that your video is filled with great content or valuable information, but it needs to be uploaded in such a way that it can be found easily by people who are searching for what your video is about

Most of the techniques used by top marketers in getting top page ranking are carefully constructed ensure that their videos are seen, or at least seen by the right people. Getting massive views is certainly a plus in web marketing, but what is really important is that the views you receive and the leads that you generate are targeted. It's better to have your video seen by one very interested viewer than a hundred tire kickers.

These methods I'm talking about are really not as hard to master as you might think. There are several factors that affect your videos ranking. The title, for example, should get attention, tell what the subject of the video is about, and ideally contain a keyword or two. The tags should be accurate and again relate to your video. The content should be keyword rich. Now here's a little tip--if you take a few extra minutes and compose a keyword rich description it's more likely the top search engines will spider this description and deem it fresh, relevant, and worthy of ranking higher.

You can experiment and learn through trial and error on your own and you probably will make strides in what you learn along the way, but this time spent during this learning curve is valuable time that can be better spent on other things. Quick Video Marketing has not only saved me time and money it consistently allows me to get higher page ranking for several business ventures and it takes the guesswork out of the technical side of my business

Video search engine optimization is just common sense and will increase your videos performance, hence your website and blog traffic as well. The quick video marketing course includes everything from how to upload a very simple video to how to achieve top search engine ranking. Search engine marketing or SEO marketing should definitely be integrated into any online marketing plan today. Otherwise, it's very easy to get lost in the sea of competition.