Thursday, November 13, 2008

The 12 Most Powerful Words in Ad Copy

As an online marketer and business practitioner in general I'm always working to develop ways to be a more effective marketer. Often I go back to my sales background to formulate strategy.

About ten or so years ago, I watched a segment on public television about advertising, marketing, and ad copy. I can't remember the name of it, but the production was very basic and rudimentary, but well done. They revealed the most powerful words in the English language regarding advertising and its effect on our psychology.

Recently I found an old legal pad that I actually jotted down some notes from this show. I still to this day keep a pad around for writing notes down and logging items of importance. Listed on this old pad were the most powerful words in ad copy.

This prompted me to do a search online to compare now with then and the results were actually the same. There were a few that weren't on the original list but the results were consistent.

As a buying public we have grown more sophisticated in recognizing when we're being sold and even wary of it, but nevertheless, we are consumers. We even know when our hot buttons are being pressed and many of the tactics used on us.

I'm not sure these words have the same impact they once did, but I thought I would post them anyway, as I feel it is good to know. I'm sure sprinkling a few of these words throughout your ad copy wouldn't hurt matters. We use many of them anyway probably just out of utility and habit.

Here are the 12 words:

1. You
2. Save
3. Money
4. Easy
5. Guarantee
6. Health
7. Proven
8. Safety
9. Discover(y)
10. New
11. Love
12. Results

To these 12 add one more - FREE

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello..Interesting choice of key-words. I am a little surprised that woman is not one of them or families.
I realize the key words are almost all topic oriented...but I would think women, sex and families tend to fall in all categories.
I thank you for the tip on these words...I will definitely use them.
Have a very positive day!