Friday, September 5, 2008

Some Eye-opening Statistics

Here are some eye-opening statistics I thought I'd post. They are very sobering and I post them not only for readers to find, but also to refer back to myself. I have no problem staying motivated, but in the chosen path of internet marketing, or any other field for that matter, a reminder now and then never hurt anything.

Out of all people that start employment at age 20, by age 65
1% are wealthy
4% have enough money to retire
3% are still working (can't afford to quit)
63% depend on Social Security, friends or charity
29% are dead and
95% of all Americans retire in poverty after working for 45 years!
- Bureau of Labor Statistics -


Sherin Devassy said...

You are extremely right with this statistics James. I remember the sentence "You are making your own destiny". for a better life, not only the hard work retired but you should have the ability to divert the money for your future and perfectly. It is called personal financial plan. Those who are doing the same, will be happy at the end of there job and they will be secure. How many of us are thinking about the future? Most probably very less people.

Sherin -

AxedbyDax said...

Nice stats. I hope ill soon be part of the 1%. Lets all work hard to be in there.

jaunesk said...

You just need to start planning now regardless of age.

Anonymous said...

One more reason to be apart of the 2% that go against the tide.