Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Article Writing Increases Your Web Traffic: Here are the Basics

Article writing is one of the best ways to generate traffic to your website or blog. It really isn't that difficult once you learn the basics and the results will pay off. You don't have to be an expert to compose an effective article that gets read and creates traffic. The first thing to consider when writing an article is to pick a specific topic. Compose your article beforehand, then just copy and paste it to the article sites and make the necessary adjustments once logged in to that article site.

The best method is to use a conversational approach as if you're talking to a friend. This will ease any pressure you have in composing the piece, as well as, ending up with a more effective final product once it reaches your audience. Do not "pitch" your opportunity in the article directories. In fact, you don't have to mention your opportunity at all.

Write about an area of expertise you know about, then compose four to five short paragraphs about it. Most article sites have a resource box that you can give a short pitch, introduction, or bio that can contain a link or two to your opportunity. The article directories are particular about obvious pitches and I have had a few articles denied because of even mentioning benefits of a program, but there are ways around this. Like I mentioned, write about a related skill and do your "pitching" in the resource box. Or write an "unbiased review" of the opportunity you are promoting.

Some basic topics that just about anybody can write an article about are, "How Online Marketing is a Great Way to Earn Extra Money", "Top 10 Reasons to Start a Home Based Business", "Why Stay-at-Home Moms Are Turning to Home Based Businesses", or "Recession Proof Businesses".

The first paragraph should be an introduction and present a problem. The second paragraph should offer solutions to this problem. For example, the economy is tough, what is a way to make an extra income? An online business. Or, what are the most common Craigslists mistakes? Then go on to explain the solutions. Offer an example or two and a testimonial about how it worked for you or someone you know.

Then simply conclude your article by reinforcing the main points. So you want to be conversational, include examples and ways to overcome obstacles, and increase your credibility with endorsements. These are the basics and will work as a basic guideline until you become more comfortable and develop your own writing style.

Finally, an important but overlooked element, is the call to action. This applies to the spoken word too. A call to action is simply directing or asking the reader what action to take. Whether subtle or direct, do not omit this step. Whether it is to buy, sign up or support something, be sure to include instructions as to what you want them to do in the first place. On article sites be subtle and save this for the resource box.

If these bases are covered, your article will do the job. Why does this work and How does this help you? Well, article sites have subscribers, so when you submit and get an article accepted it automatically gets read by that subsciber base in the related subject. This increases your web presence and credibility. Also, your article will get picked up by other sites who use these sites for fresh content on their own sites with your links in tact. Lastly, and best of all, the search engines can pick up the content within your article and give you free and organic page ranking. It also creates backlinks to your site, which further helps your page ranking.

Here are some things to remember when submitting an article:

1. Don't pitch or sell.

2. Write articles in advance and change the title and a few sentences around when submitting to different article sites to avoid duplicate content.

3. Have a premade paragraph saved to use in your "resource box". Here is an example, John Q. Public lives in Pine View, Kansas with his family and has found out how to make an income from home. Visit Here (LINK) to see his latest opportunity or visit his blog HERE(LINK)to learn more.

To create a clickable link on these sites, just VIEW THIS VIDEO as I cannot create an example without it creating a link. This is about the only HTML you need to know if you don't already know HTML.

Find more videos like this on zero2riches

Click Here or What you want link to say

The http:// is where you want it to go, and the CLICK HERE between the >< will show up as a clickable blue link.

4. Abide by the Terms and Conditions. Most of them are the same and allow no more than two links in resource box. You can put links in the body but the rules get complex.

5. The first 3 words of the article title are the most important-make them count.

Some Article Sites I submit to regularly:

amazines.com (you create your "resource box" as your last paragraph in the body)

If you absolutely do not want to write articles, there are services that will help you with this. I would highly recommend having at least a few articles out there, as they will increase your web presence and credibility.


Kelly said...

hey james, this is a nice blog you've got! i appreciate you keeping up with my Carolina Mornings blog, i'll be viewing yours as well - there's good info here. take care!

James Broadfoot said...

Thanks Kelly, Great to meet you. Take care.

Unknown said...

Have you ever used article software that supposedly sends your articles all over?



Sherin Devassy said...

james, this is a very nice guidance I ever heard about submitting articles. I have never tries the idea but Now I am interested to have a look. I have signed with ezinearticles and adding my first article by today itself by abiding there rules and the steps you have mentioned here. Hopw I will get the best result. My personal and deep thanks from hearts, to you.

Sherin - Investinternals