Friday, August 8, 2008

Explorer vs. Firefox?

I like to consider myself somewhat in the loop as far as internet trends and technology go, but I guess I've been a little stubborn when it comes to switching to Firefox exclusively. Of course I'm referring to the internet browser offered by Mozilla that most internet users are either already using are switching from Explore to anyway.

I don't know if this is a huge debate or issue, since it does not after all, require a total commitment to switch from Microsoft's standby. You can indeed use one, or the other, both, or even both at the same time. Just lately, however, it has really become an issue.

I heard ramblings a year or so ago about how even Bill Gates himself admits that the platforms and applications on today's internet are not compatible or supported by Explorer. Still, I just ho-hummed all this and went on with my business.

My question is why not? Why would the very anchor of internet accessibility not be on or ahead of the curve. Who knows? Anyway, lately I have gradually started using my Firefox, even though it's been on my desktop for some time now. Mostly out of frustration with Explorer. The results have been quite favorable, even though, it takes a little getting used to change. But online, of course, that is the name of the game.

There are also a whole host of other browser services too, but that is the subject of another entry. I just know I ignored what I had heard and stubbornly clung to my familiar Explorer and will more than likely say goodbye all together if it is not updated.

I don't know why it has gotten so difficult for Explorer to perform lately. It has seemed to work fine, then slow, then slower, than really squirrely, then fine again. I just thought it may be my computer or something. The bottom line is Firefox has saved me on many occasion lately and I guess that can't be a coincidence.

I still don't know the what or why or what Microsoft intends to do, if anything. All I know is I'll still have Explorer on my desktop and Firefox as the primary vehicle for my work. Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts or just enlighten me as to what your experiences have been related to this issue.

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